Embellished Elephant

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12 Crafts of Christmas: Cardboard Trees

If you are getting as many online deliveries as I am at the moment you will have a lot of cardboard in your house. One of my favourite Christmas projects is to make these cardboard trees. I think they look great as they are, but you could paint them, cover them in left over wrapping paper or otherwise jazz them up.

You will need …

  • Cardboard

  • Paper scissors

  • Scrap paper

  • Pencil

  • Ruler

How to …

  • Start by creating your tree template on some scrap paper. My trees measure 10cm across the bottom and are 12cm high, each set of branches is 3cm high. You could also make these trees just as triangles.

  • Draw round the template twice on your cardboard and cut out the tree shapes.

  • You will then need to cut a slit in the trees about the same thickness as your cardboard. One tree should have a slit going from the top of the tree to the middle, and the other tree should have a slit from the bottom to the middle. One of these slits needs to be about 1cm longer than the other for them to slide together perfectly.

  • Slide the tree with the slit in the bottom down through the tree with the slit in the top and make sure the two sections stand at right angles.