Embellished Elephant

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12 Crafts of Christmas: Pine Cone Trees

I made this crafty project a couple of years ago at a WI meeting. It’s a great (albeit slightly messy) project that you could probably do with kids.

You will need …

  • Pine cones

  • Corks (and a knife to chop them up)

  • Wooden star or other star embellishment

  • Paint

  • Glitter

  • Paintbrush

  • Glue gun

  • Newspaper & old takeaway container

How to …

  • First things first, get your newspaper down where you will be working

  • I’d recommend starting by glue gunning the cork to the bottom of the pine cone as this will give you something to hold when decorating the cone. You may need to cut the cork in half to stop it toppling over.

  • Once the glue holding the cork has dried its time to start decorating - start by painting the cone, I used green paint but you could use any colour

  • While the paint is still wet you can dip the cone in the glitter if you just want glittery edges or sprinkle glitter all over if you want a fully sparkly look. Shake off any excess glitter and leave to dry.

  • If you have wooden stars you can also paint and glitter these. Once the cone and the star have dried you can glue gun them together