Embellished Elephant

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Five top tips for embroidery beginners

1. Don’t use long lengths of threads.

It is tempting to cut a really long length of thread to avoid the need to change threads part way through stitching an area. But long lengths have a habit of getting into a tangle. You can find more tips on avoiding thread tangles here.

2. Keep the fabric taut in the hoop

If the fabric isn’t stretched in the embroidery hoop you’ll end up with a saggy looking embroidery. It can be tricky to know what the right tension should be, but this blog post will help.

3. Make sure you have plenty of light

I do a lot of stitching in the evenings whilst on the sofa watching TV. It can be difficult to see the warp and weft threads of the fabric, and where the needle comes up through the fabric. Dark colours such as black, dark blue and brown are particularly difficult to stitch with if the light isn’t good enough.

4. Take things slowly

The hardest thing I found when I first started embroidering was getting the needle in the right place to create the stitch. The slower I went the more I was able to poke the needle up through the fabric several times to get it to appear in the right place.

5. Don’t be afraid to undo

If you see a stitch or even a patch of stitching that doesn’t look how you want it to, don’t be afraid to unpick it or cut it out. But remember if this is one of your first few projects don’t be too much of a perfectionist and end up not finishing the project!

PS - The picture in the header image is one of he first pieces of embroidery I completed.

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