Embellished Elephant

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Four Texture stitches for embroidery

What do I mean by texture stitches? My definition are stitches that stand away from the fabric in some way, that give an added dimension to embroidery that other stitches may not.

Needle Weaving

If you’ve ever woven with a loom then needle weaving is a version of this just on a much smaller scale. It’s also the same technique you’ll use if you need to darn a sock or jumper.

Woven Wheel

This is created by laying down 5 base stitches and then weaving the thread under and over etc until the base stitches can no longer be seen.

Woven Picot

Another woven stitch, the base is created by making a triangle using a pin. The thread is then woven under and over the 3 strands of base stitch.

The picots are attached at the base and the tip can be left free or held down by a tiny stitch.

Turkey Work

This stitch is unlike any other as first create a series of loops which you snip into to create the strands. It can be densely packed or wispy - that’s the beauty of this texture.

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